Buch Handbuch

Mirko Leuenberger
Valeria Bonin

Editorial Design

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The soft cover book is called “Buch Handbuch” which translates from German to Book Manual. This book is created with the help of a plug-in which allowed me to automatize and convert an Excel file into an InDesign file. My layout is built using the structure of something we know well, and that is indeed the wash line.
The books are curated by size and proximity. It is compact and is thought to be useful when planning for a trip. The dust jacket consists of all the ISBN numbers.

12.4 cm x 19.1 cm – Softcover Glue Binding


Ausbildungsinhalt der
Fachklasse Grafik St. Gallen

Silvia Droz
Valeria Bonin

Editorial Design

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I tried to showcase all elements of Editorial design like, layout, micro typography, font combination ect. This series of posters were printed using the Riso printer. The preparation of the data is very crusial to riso printing.

29.7 cm x 42.0 cm – Poster Series


Glossarium Graphic +

Roland Müller
Valeria Bonin

Editorial Design

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A newspaper of 24 pages filled with graphical terms created for aspiring graphic designers. For this newspaper I was given the letter R. I had to find words including definitions related to Graphic Design that started with the letter R.
Similar to a wafer, my page also consists of layers, one for the video, one for the definition, and one for the words itself. The definitions aren’t just placed anywhere, they are placed within 11 columns and always touching the word they define.
If you scan the page using Artivive you will quickly find yourself watching an AR Film.

60.0 cm x 75.0 cm – Broadsheet Newspaper



Céline Odermatt

Type Design

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This typeface was inspired by a ceramics and painting studio in Winterthur.
The original typography was in regular and so I decided upon myself to create a slanted version. Hence the gaps, this typeface can be used as a stencil as well.

Only the most important letters are implemented.


Obrecht – die Stickerei

Andreas Tschachtli
Anita Lussmann

Corporate Design

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In 2022, Anna Obrecht-Huber will be taking over her father’s business. This handover is an ideal time for the conception of a new and contemporary corporate design.
For this project I was inspired by embroidery templates which I added elements of, to the corporate design. The colours are very inviting and matches well with the small business look.


À toute

Alexander Kranz
Martin Schmidt


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This fictional campaign has to do with “the future”. To address this issue, the Swiss Post will be launching an archive system for the first time. Where Swiss residence are allowed to send in their personal postcards in A6 format, which contain various questions relating to the future. These postcards will return to the sender after 5 years.

For call-to-action, the questions will be printed on an F12 format and passers-by are allowed to mark them with a pen.


Chez Sam

Private Commision


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A series of illustrations for Samuel Bachmann's event "Chez Sam".